Do you find yourself not living the life you really want? Overwhelmed, afraid, feeling like time is going by so fast… and you’re feeling stuck.
Life doesn’t have to feel this way.
You don’t have to feel this way.
Your life can be invigorating, fulfilling and full of meaning.
Dr. Katz’s new book Gutsy teaches readers how to take an honest look at what might be holding them back from living their most authentic life, and how to apply mindfulness concepts that can help them access new joy and freedom.
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Mindfulness Practices for Everyday Bravery
Western society too often trains us out of feeling innately confident in who we are and in the wisdom we hold inside. Instead, we are handed down a set of expectations about our bodies, our disposition, our religious identification, our sexual orientation, our parenting, and our career choices.
Dr. Leah Katz draws on her training as a psychologist and her experience redefining the faith and culture she was raised with to offer tools and insights for getting "unstuck" from society's unrealistic and often harmful expectations for women that we have adopted as our own.
By learning to identify what is holding us back, and adopting a mindset of joy, gratitude, and resilience, we can fulfill our dreams — and, really, fulfill ourselves. It's time to get gutsy and create the rich, vibrant life we have always wanted.

About the Author:
Leah Katz, PhD, is a clinical psychologist who specializes in working with teenagers and women. With a focus on treating anxiety and depression, she uses a combination of cognitive behavioral, ACT, and mindfulness techniques in her therapy work. Katz writes regularly for PsychologyToday.com, and her work has been featured in The Jewish Review, The Huffington Post, and The Zoe Report. She lives in Portland, Oregon, but is an East Coaster at heart.