Leah Katz Leah Katz

Why Is It So Hard to Meditate?

So here comes the conundrum. We know it’s good for us. Science corroborates. We may have even felt the benefit of meditating in our own lives (I know I have in a very big way). Why, then, aren’t more of us meditating regularly? Why do we find it so hard and what can we do to address those barriers? 

I recently polled my Instagram followers, asking them if they have a regular meditation practice and what gets in their way of practicing. In response, 37% said they did have a regular practice, which is higher than I expected. There were a lot of responsesβ€”many of them repeated by several peopleβ€”as to what is acting as a barrier. Here is a sampling of what people said gets in their way of meditating: β€œanxiety, impatience, life, to-do list, it just doesn’t work for me, lack of time, falling asleep, all the thoughts of things undone.”

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Anxiety, Resilience Leah Katz Anxiety, Resilience Leah Katz

5 Ways to Manage the Waiting Game

There are certainly important differences in these varying wait-able scenarios, including the degree of control we have over the outcome and what else is going on in our lives at the moment. Nonetheless, regardless of the specifics, waiting carries with it a host of difficult feelings such as uncertainty, anxiety, worry, and impatience. Waiting for possible good news or bad news can feel draining and exhausting, as we sit in the space of not knowing.

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Leah Katz Leah Katz

Supporting Your Teen's Mental Health

It's not an easy time to be a teen. Seven tips to help you support your teen.

As a clinical psychologist with a specialty in working with teenagers, I can tell you from my own observations and reading, many of today’s teens are struggling with their mental health.

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Leah Katz Leah Katz

Living with Chronic Stress

How we can cope when the going gets persistently rough.

I can’t be the only one noticing an increase in the number of white hairs on my head, right? I find myself doing double-takes in the mirror making sure I am seeing things right. I know these silver foxes weren’t there a couple of months ago, and I’m also pretty certain I am not yet of the age to expect an ongoing new crop of these guys in my hair.

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Leah Katz Leah Katz

Building Grit in This Pandemic

I think we all could use a bit of grit right now (or yesterday, or last month), no?

According to the Oxford dictionary, grit means β€œcourage and resolve; strength of character.” (It also means small loose particles of stone or sand, but that’s not what we are talking about today.) Grit is being able to hold on tight and stay committed to something important to you, even when the going gets tough.

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