Good Enough IS Good Enough

Many of you have probably heard the saying, “good enough is good enough.

This can be a helpful reminder for people who tend to be really high achieving and/or perfectionists. People who set the bar too high...frequently and consistently. Living like this can be an endless pursuit of attachment to outcome, disappointment, and shaky sense of self.

Working on the “good enough” truly being GOOD ENOUGH has been a personal work for me too.

It shows up for so many professionally, in parenting, relationship dynamics. Learning to make peace with the harder moments...the side of the coin less talked about and shown to the world.

And here’s the thing- chances are, if we’re harsh and too driven with ourselves, there’s a very good possibility we are generalizing those expectations onto those around us- often times unconsciously and unintentionally.

So next time you have a hard moment- you receive some criticism, you don’t respond to your kids or partner in a way you feel good about...instead of beating yourself up about it, can you instead shift into self compassion and more fully accepting your humanity. Or, alternatively, next time someone disappoints you, can you remind yourself of THEIR humanity?

Your human. I’m human. We’re all in this humanly amazing and flawed experience together. None of us will ever be perfect- so here’s to stop trying to be!

Sending you lots of love!

Leah 💗


Adult Bullying Part 1


Obsessions, Intrusions, & Rumination, Oh My!