I am on a mission to help you uncover what’s been keeping you STUCK and how you can connect to greater MEANING in your life.

Thank you SO MUCH for being here! Your support truly means a ton. At the bottom of this page are helpful actions you can take to help the book reach as many people as possible. 

Stay tuned for future updates. It’s an honor to finally be able to share this information with the world!

My best,



Mindfulness Practices for Everyday Bravery

Western society too often trains us out of feeling innately confident in who we are and in the wisdom we hold inside. Instead, we are handed down a set of expectations about our bodies, our disposition, our religious identification, our sexual orientation, our parenting, and our career choices.

Dr. Leah Katz draws on her training as a psychologist and her experience redefining the faith and culture she was raised with to offer tools and insights for getting "unstuck" from society's unrealistic and often harmful expectations for women that we have adopted as our own.

By learning to identify what is holding us back, and adopting a mindset of joy, gratitude, and resilience, we can fulfill our dreams β€” and, really, fulfill ourselves. It's time to get gutsy and create the rich, vibrant life we have always wanted.

Ways to support the book launch

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    Consider donating a book to those who may not be able to afford it.

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    Send me a note of encouragement from time to time. We often don’t realize how much of an impact small words make.

  • Share your ideas

    This is an endeavor that is impossible to do alone. If you have ideas or can connect me with organizations or companies, please get in touch, and thank you!