Setting Boundaries with Your Anxiety

We’re nearing the end of the week, friends!

I wanted to drop another anxiety reminder. It’s natural to feel like we’re bullied by the anxiety- it tells us what to do, what NOT to do, where to go...all at our own cost. Anxiety is a false alarm, which means there is no real threat or danger- or at least not nearly to the extent that the anxiety tries and makes us believe.

Much anxiety work centers around redefining your relationship with your anxiety.

Shifting over the control so it rests firmly and squarely on your shoulders. It’s learning to coexist peacefully with the anxiety- and remind it who’s boss. In a friendly and kind way.

So here’s a reminder that even when the anxiety is trying to bully you around- you are the one who is more powerful (even if it doesn’t feel that way). This mindset shift can be a powerful one in being able to both at once acknowledge that there is anxiety here, AND staying in your power all at the same time.

Would love your thoughts!

Lots of love!

Leah 💗


Obsessions, Intrusions, & Rumination, Oh My!


Anxiety and Learning to Embrace Uncertainty.